Who Influences You?

Who Influences You?

Or more to the point…who do you allow to influence you?

‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ – Jim Rohn

…on my recent trips to Sydney, Auckland, San Francisco, London, Reykjavik and Paris where i spent time with my mentors and coaches, I was reminded of this idea as I listened and engaged, learnt and applied from some of the best in my industry.

I began to look around me, to see how I have created and surrounded myself with a brilliant board of advisers, mentors and coaches to support me in building my business…from the inside out. These are people who influence me in a positive way, encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and into visibility, who support me with my own internal struggles and worries and compassionately help me to see my blind spots as I step into new realms of possibility.

For me to play at the top of my game, on my inner circle of influencers…I currently have:

  1. My Mother – even with debilitating cancer she’s a force to be reckoned with and won’t let anything stop her
  2. Hawk Carpenter – my Spiritual teacher and life and business coach who opened up the possibility of inner peace, power and purpose for me in my own life, which has since become my signature and foundation
  3. Gina DeVee – my online business coach, who challenges me to step beyond what I perceive as possible with an online presence…and to step into a much bigger game
  4. Brendon Burchard – my High-Performance coach, the best in the industry, covering psychology, physiology, productivity, persuasion, presence and supporting me in translating my athletic experiences and training into my coaching practices
  5. I will cheat a little on this last one…A Close-knit circle of my dearest friends whom I admire greatly for their successes, their soulful connections and presence. We consistently Care, Uplift & Praise each other…and live and laugh a lot together. They know who they are.

I have consciously created this network of people who inspire, challenge and support me in their own unique ways. This circle may also change and evolve as I grow and build my life and business. It’s important to keep the fun factor in that list too…we can’t be taking life too seriously, after all, can we?! It is also fundamentally important to pay it forwards too, what we put into life, we also reap from life, so let’s all do a touch more Caring, Uplifting and Praising (CUP).

Who are the people you spend most time with?

When it comes to both our professional and personal relationships, we are greatly influenced — whether we like it or not — by those closest to us. It affects our way of thinking, our self-esteem, and our decisions.

And while it’s ideal to be closely surrounded by positive, supportive people who want you to succeed, it’s also necessary to have your challengers…and my coaches certainly do that!

Whoever you are, it is important to be aware of who you spend most of your time with and the influence you allow them to have over you.

As entrepreneurs and executives, may I ask you to consider who these five people are and if you have a coach in amongst that list., who challenges, supports and inspires you as you move up the career ladder or build your business and have to start leading a team?

May I invite you to click here and book a 60 minute discovery session with me, to see if indeed you’d like a coach and if we’re a good fit to work together?

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