Why my TEDx Talk spoke so highly of Death

Why my TEDx Talk spoke so highly of Death

You’re dying.

Every day, every minute that passes, you’re moving closer towards your death.

It might not come for many years. It might be on the other side of that traffic light. That’s the scary part about our own mortality: We have no way of knowing when it will all come to an end.

Well, that’s depressing. Why think about it?

If you’re like most people, the topic of death is one you’d rather avoid. Instead we tend to walk around thinking we’ll live forever.

The problem is…we’re doing ourselves a grave disservice when we ignore (whom I call) The Angel of Death.

You see, Death is the ultimate reminder of the importance of living fully.

For many people, it is literally their ultimate reminder: the last & only event causing them to stop and appreciate this marvelous experience we call life.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t want death, or that of someone close to you, to remind you rather too late, of the importance of living your life to the fullest.

Imagine if, every day upon wakening, you thought to yourself: “I am fortunate, happy and grateful to be alive. I have a precious life. What will I create today? How much fun will I have along the way? How deeply will I connect with the people around me? How can I best serve myself and them? Thank you for another day…and another opportunity to rise and shine!”

How would your days be different? What would your life be like? What would you say to your loved ones, your colleagues? How would you act around them and towards them?

When you’re able to appreciate your life day by day, moment by moment, and act upon the deeper sense of inner peace, power and purpose that appreciation and presence naturally foster, your outlook and perspectives will shift for the better. Your relationships will strengthen and your business will prosper.

I want to help you make that your reality.

That’s Why I Gave This TEDx Talk

When I took the stage at TEDxPuntaPaitilla in Panama this year, where the theme for the day was “Connection and Collaboration”, the audience probably wasn’t expecting me to speak so highly of death.

After all, people around the world know me as a prominent Life Strategist. Aren’t we “self-development gurus” all about positive thinking, good vibes, and all that touchy-feely stuff?

Well, as you’ll hear in the video, a recent family tragedy has taught me that Death, in a strange way, can actually bring us life.

I don’t want to plagiarize myself, so you’ll have to watch the video to fully grasp what I’m talking about.

As for here, I want to mention some takeaways from my TEDx talk that you can put to use to maximize the enjoyment you get out of life.

The Takeaways

  • Live in the moment. The moment you are in right now will never exist again. You and the world around you are forever changing; if you don’t learn to live in the moment, you are squandering moments of your life that you will never get back. All we have are moments of now. The past is a memory and the future is but an illusion.
  • Regularly ask yourself: What would happen if you were told you had one week to live? What difference would it make? How would you act and what would you do? How would you want to be remembered? What would you say to your loved ones? Reflect upon your answers: What do they indicate?
  • Never answer “How are you?” with “Fine.” I have an alternate definition for F.I.N.E: Frustrated. Insecure. Neurotic. Exhausted. The world is an exquisite and mesmerizing place…Remember that. You have the power to choose to feel better than “fine.”
  • Don’t wait to be lying in your grave to “Rest in Peace.” Choose to live in Peace now. Achieving inner peace is one of the most difficult and yet rewarding things you can do in this world. Don’t wait until your final days to realize this.
  • Make choices that bring you alive now, in the present moment. Choose to love. Choose to be happy. Choose to see life in a greater context. Choose to let go of that which doesn’t serve you, that which limits you. Stop loving your limits and realise your potential instead.
  • Be present to the possibility of your death at any moment. Use this knowledge not for fear, but as constant inspiration to make the most out of every day…to live fully.

I know what you’re thinking.

Is it realistic to operate this way on a regular basis?

To that I answer: If you’re committed to learning how.

Do you want to learn how to make the most out of every day? Every moment?

Of course you do. We all do.

I can help you.

I won’t lie: there’s no magic button, and I can’t do the work for you.

I can, however, teach you how to make Peace your Captain, Happiness your Ship, and show you how to navigate life in awe and wonder of the experiences that pass you by.

Learn more about my core philosophies, and how they might apply to you… and your leadership. You just might learn something about yourself.

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  1. Carlos says:

    Amaizing, thank you…

  2. alice says:

    Hauntingly inspiring, como siempre Amy!

  3. Thank you so much Alice,…for choosing to make Peace your Captain, Happiness your Ship 😉

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