Just For Fun…

Just for fun? Well, why not?!

I mean, what else are we here for, really?!

Other than to have fun, learn (I mean really learn) what love is, enjoy our lives, build brilliant relationships and have brilliant, stimulating conversations; build each other up, live into to something that inspires us, allows our creativity to flow and to build businesses with purpose and values as well as happy, healthy families and communities?

I mean, wouldn’t it be fun if we could just try this for a while, to see what it might be like, you know, peep through the curtains and just see, or perhaps dip our fingers in the pudding bowl to delight in the ecstasy of that sweet, sweet cake mix our Mothers used to make, just to try it, to see if it really is as good as it looks? Again?!

Mental Health

With the rise in the awareness and exposure of Mental Health lately, it’s becoming increasingly clear that each and every one of us does need to start to really take responsibility for our thinking and for what’s going on in our minds, and for what is and isn’t working in our lives, before it becomes something that is seemingly beyond our control.

Mental health can begin with our very own fears, phobias, anxieties, stress levels, grief, depression, confidence (or lack thereof), insomnia, the break-up of relationships, the challenges we face in our careers and more. As a society we tend to brush these things under the carpet until they become insurmountable.

What If…

What if, we could take a step back and see these experiences life throws at us through a different lens; from a different perspective and learn new ways of speaking and be~ing in the world, new tools to equip ourselves with, so that moving forwards life does become easier, our thinking becomes clearer, our focus is on point, our relationships flow, we’re able to have challenging conversations, brilliantly, both at home and at work….and more?

What if you just said yes, and you tried it out… just for fun?

Before you do, meet Stefano, a client of mine…

“Amy has taught me invaluable lessons in terms of personal growth and inner peace, which are leading me to a happier, richer personal life and to a more fulfilling, enjoyable and profitable career. The added value I have derived from Amy’s wisdom will stay with me for the rest of my life; working with her has been by far my best investment to date.

Finally, there’s a quasi-esoteric aspect to these sessions which constitutes value-added in its own right. Drawing from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, I sense that I’ve been dragged out of the cave of conventional wisdom in which I’ve been trapped for most of my adult life. Now I’m out, blinded by the sunlight, but my eyes are getting accustomed and I’m starting to glimpse at a world in which I am becoming empowered, liberated and truly aware.” – Stefano Pataro

Are you interested?

If you’re even remotely interested in knowing some more about the work I do, which includes life coaching, leadership coaching, relationship coaching, hypnotherapy and a host of other tools and techniques I’ve learned over ten years in the industry, that I infuse with time tested ancient wisdom teachings, for good measure, then please do just hit ‘love’ below and send me a message, let me know what your questions and/or interests are and I’ll be in touch with you personally to schedule a call to let you know some more.

So, in the name of fun…what have you got to lose?!

Have a brilliant week everyone, I look forward to speaking with some of you shortly!

Go well and shine your lights brightly!


PS… You just jumped to the ps right away, I know, I do that some times too, this time you missed out on the pudding bowl though, so you might want to check that out, up above! Haha! Otherwise, just hit ‘love’ to this post, send me a message and let’s talk!

PPS On Friday I was taken to the most amazing concert in London featuring the most amazing musician i’d never heard of before, Keb Mo, he’s absolutely brilliant and I haven’t as yet heard a song of his I don’t like…and this one, Let Your Light Shine is just wonderful, so here’s my gift to you this week!

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