
Ignite Your Inner Spirit

Connect with your Inner Spirit and awaken new possibilities within you. This best-selling compilation series featuring 35 thought-leaders, including yours truly, is dedicated to helping you awaken your Inner Spirit.

10 July 2017

Just For Fun…

Mental health can begin with our very own fears, phobias, anxieties, stress levels, grief, depression, confidence (or lack thereof), insomnia, the break-up of relationships, the challenges we face in our careers and more. As a society we tend to brush these things under the carpet until they become insurmountable. What if, we could take a step back and see these experiences life throws at us through a different lens; from a different perspective and learn new ways of speaking and be~ing in the world, new tools to equip ourselves with, so that moving forwards life does become easier, our thinking becomes clearer, our focus is on point, our relationships flow, we're able to have challenging conversations, brilliantly, both at home and at work....and more?
13 March 2017

Grieving Gracefully

In August 2014 I came home to the UK from Panama, at a moments' notice when I heard that Mum had collapsed and the prospects were not good; she'd been given 48 hours to live, so you can just imagine that flight home across the Atlantic back to the UK!
5 March 2016

Expand Your Comfort Zone One Step At A Time

With one radio show down...and many more to come, I have taken one more step, out of the smallness of my comfort zone and into creating the life I dream of; of speaking in public, of transforming lives (1-on-1 and in groups), of making an impact and a contribution, of continuing to travel the world, of teaching, sharing and inspiring those who wish to listen through the power of story and redefining the future of leadership; and being a champion of inner peace for world peace. That's what lights me up...and scares me too! But if it didn't scare me, it wouldn't stretch me...!
2 February 2016

Take Nothing Personally…Because It Isn’t…

Have you noticed how easily people take offense and get upset over even small things? It is almost as if they are waiting to be upset; always ready to fire off a nasty remark or to play the victim and sulk. One of the main reasons for this is that we have been conditioned by society to attack, criticise and complain if things are not going exactly as we would like them to go. Many people have an attachment to self-importance, to Be~ing right and to Be~ing a victim of the circumstances in which they find themselves, all of which is a favourite obsession of the ego.
28 January 2016

Disarm Yourself Through Inner Peace

Inner peace brings inner power. When we have inner peace, we speak powerfully to people – often without saying a word. We can be counted on: to be in control, to maintain clarity and to act swiftly, justly, discerningly and strategically at all times.
12 January 2016

What #100DaysOfHappiness Taught Me

On the 23rd September 2015 I realised we had 100 days left of the year and so I thought to myself, "What can I write and post about for 100 days that would be interesting, challenging and engaging?" Happiness was the first thing that came to my mind.#100DaysOfHappiness
21 September 2015

What Does Rich Really Mean…On World Peace Day?

The kind of rich I’m talking about here in this blog is one in which you find a true sense of inner peace, no matter how fierce the storm of life is around you. You step into your own personal power, not a power to control and dominate, but a deep inner power from which you motivate, lead and engage the people around you. You cultivate an inspired purpose; a vision in which others find themselves, one that inspires and uplifts; a vision that drives profit successfully, whilst making a significant difference.
22 June 2015

Make Peace With Imperfection

Make Peace With Imperfection I spend quite a bit of time talking about the power of Inner Peace and making peace with imperfection has been something I have learnt a lot about this year as I step out of my comfort zone, behind the scenes and become visible both in the public arena and online. It is so easy to stall, to falter, to procrastinate because whatever I'm putting out there into the world is not 100% perfect or I'm having a bad hair day or I stress because I haven't yet found inspiration today to post another blog, and suddenly another week has gone without posting one.