If you do one thing today, make it this…

If you do one thing today, make it this…

How to appreciate so deeply that you bring tears of joy to your loved ones’ eyes over the Thanks Giving holiday

Thank you so much for taking a moment today to read this short blog and to watch my video I shot live on Periscope a couple of days ago, not only for all those of you in the Americas and celebrating Thanks Giving this weekend, but for all of us, across the globe…let’s choose to make giving heart-felt, deep appreciations and thanks part of our every day lives…a brilliant way to raise your vibration and live in happiness and peace…both of which are inextricably linked to high-performance!

Click here to see the short yet powerful video.

I look forward to hearing from you over the next few days as to how it went with the appreciation exercise mentioned in my Periscope video. If you’re not sure what periscope is, it’s an app you can download and watch thought-leaders and game-changers speak live about subjects they teach (in my case happiness and high-performance…with a dose of wisdom and inner peace for good measure!) and you can interact live on air with them by typing in questions and comments…this is my handle: @amyhackettjones – join me there for daily scopes for my #100DaysOfHappiness challenge as we count down to the end of the year! You can also catch the replays here www.katch.me/amyhackettjones

Go out and be the change you wish to see in the world…you’ll know if you’ve done the exercise in the Periscope video profoundly if you bring the other person to tears of joy…and remember, people want your presence far more than they want your presents…

3) HUG (min 20 seconds!)

happiness is - Engage Fully

Thank you so very much for being here and for taking part!

In happiness,


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